Offers assistance with job search such as mock interviewing and resume writing. Assistance also includes, mentoring and guidance, referrals to GED services. Financial assistance while obtaining GED services such as mileage reimbursement, incentives to achieve, childcare assistance for ages 16-24 who are low income. Scholarships for Vocational training as well as services such as mileage reimbursement, childcare assistance for ages 18+ who are low income. Work based learning programs such as on-the-job training are available for those who are low income and aged 18+. Visit our website at for more information. Notes: DCFS wards are most likely eligible for mentoring and financial assistance with obtaining GED, Vocational Training and Job Search services. GED/Vocational: Referrals to GED services. Financial assistance while obtaining GED services such as mileage reimbursement, incentives to achieve, childcare assistance for ages 16-24 who are low income. Scholarships for Vocational training as well as services such as mileage reimbursement, childcare assistance for ages 18+ who are low income. Work based learning programs such as on-the-job training are available for those who are low income and aged 18+.
3000 W. DeYoung Street, Suite 800B
Marion, IL 62959
618.998.0970 extension 229
Typically a 2 year program, but depends on services needed. Follow-up after 12 months in program.