First Judicial Circuit Rules and Administrative Orders

First Circuit Rules



First Circuit Administrative Orders


2024-1 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Pope)

2024-1-11 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Williamson)

2024-1-22 Public Defender Appointment Andrew Wilson eff. 12-1-2023 (Alexander and Pulaski)

2024-01-25 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Saline)

2024-1-29 Standing Order for all Cases Assigned to Judge Gill

2024-02 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Jackson)

2024-4-2 Possible Courthouse Closures Relating to Issues Associated with the April 8 Eclipse

2024-16 Courthouse Closure Relating to Issues Associated with the April 8 Eclipse (Union)

2024-4-1 Courthouse Closure Relating to Issues Associated with the April 8 Eclipse (Pope)

2024-4-3 Courthouse Closure at Noon Relating to Issues Associated with the April 8 Eclipse (Williamson)

2024-4-5 Two-way Audio-Visual Communication Systems-pretrial detention

2024-5-23 Presiding Judge Amanda Byassee Gott - June 1, 2024 (Massac)

2024-5-23a Judge Phillip G Palmer assigned to Massac County docket - May 23, 2024 (Williamson)

2024-5-24 Legal Holiday Schedule 2025 - First Judicial Circuit

2024-21 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Union County)

2024-5-30 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Pulaski County)

2024-6-4 - Appointment of Associate Judge Kelly R. Phelps

2024-5-30 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Pulaski County)

2024-21 Policy on Access for Persons with Disabilities - adopted (Union County)

2024-6-27 Cameras, television or other recording or broadcast equipment

2024-7-23 Appointing Circuit Clerk pro tempore (Williamson)

2024-8-6 - Authority to Hear Felony Cases - Judge Kelly R. Phelps

2024-11-04 Appointment of Public Defender D. Brian Smith (Saline)

2024-12-13 Presiding Judge Massac County - May Order vacated, Judge Wittig Presiding Judge

Standing Order for Hearings - Judge John Sanders' Cases (12-30-2024) Effective January 1, 2025


2023-1-3 - Judge Jayson Clark assigned to Jackson County, Tuesdays

2023-1-3a - Judge Melissa Presser assigned to Jackson County, Thursdays

2023-3-13 - Judge Jayson Clark assigned Presiding Judge Saline County

2023-3-31 - Judge Melissa Presser assigned Presiding Judge Pope County

2023-4-24 - Public Defender Appointment the Hunn Law Group PC (Pulaski)

2023-6-1 - Appointment of Associate Judge Jonathan A. Mitchell

2023-6-13 Calendar Year 2024 Legal Holiday Schedule - First Judicial Circuit

AO 2023-6-20 Judge Presser Order to Jackson County vacated

AO 2023-6-20a Judge Clark Order to Jackson County vacated

2023-6-20b - Reappointment of First Circuit Associate Judges

2023-6-26 Assignment of Judge Presser to Saline County on select Tuesdays

2023-6-30 - Authority to Hear Felony Cases - Judge Jonathan A. Mitchell

2023-6-30a - Code of Professional Conduct for Probation-Court Services Personnel

2023-7-7 - Disposing Trial Exhibits

2023-7-7a - Assignment of Power to Associate Judges to Issue Orders Authorizing or Approving the use of Eavesdropping Devices

AO 2023-9-11 Hearings Pursuant to 725 ILCS 5110-6 andor 725 ILCS 5109-1(f) Operational Challenges

AO 2023-10-16 Public Defender Appointment Addam Holder (Massac)


2022-1-21 (2022-1) Appointment of PD Lacie J McDonald (Pope)

2022-3-31 Increase Filing Fee to Dispute Resolution Fund in the First Judicial Circuit

2022-5-20 Public Defender Appointment Brandon Mayberry (Pulaski)

2022-5-26 Public Defender Appointment Addam Holder (Alexander)

2022-7-27 Joint Standing Order - assigns all Family and Dissolution Cases to Judge Sanders, Judge Gill sua sponte retains specified cases (Williamson)

2022-7-27 Standing Order for Remote Hearings for Judge Gill's cases (Williamson)_2

2022-8-12 Judicial Assignments in the First Judicial Circuit (all counties) AMENDED

2022-8-12 Judicial Assignments in the First Judicial Circuit (all counties) AMENDED-2 - 9-1-2022

2022-8-12 Judicial Assignments in the First Judicial Circuit (all counties)

2022-8-12 Judicial Assignments in the First Judicial Circuit (all counties)

2022-10-17 Judge Timothy Denny designated Presiding Judge (Union)

2022-10-17a Judge Todd Lambert designated Presiding Judge (Saline)

2022-10-18 Standing Order for Jury Trials Assigned to Judge Goffinet Effective 11-1-2022 (Williamson)

2022-10-20 Public Defender Appointment Daniel Klingemann (Union)

2022-10-28 Transfer Probation Fees to the Williamson County Treasurer nunc pro tunc Dec 1, 1999

2022-11-1 Presiding Judge Carey C. Gill (Pope)

2022-12-14 Sharing of Information between First Judicial Circuit Probation Depts and Office of State Pretrial Services


2021-1 Appointment of Attorney (Saline)

2021-3-17 (AMENDED) Judge Amanda Byassee Gott assigned to Williamson County - also to Union County Juvenile - EFFECTIVE March 29, 2021

2021-3-17 Judge Amanda Byassee Gott assigned to Williamson County - also to Union County Juvenile - EFFECTIVE March 29, 2021

2021-3-31 Associate Judges - Eavesdropping Devices

2021-3-31a Associate Judges authority to hear felony cases

2021-6-18 Establishment of an Eviction Mediation Collaboration

2021-6-23 COVID-19 Issues - prohibited entry and mask wearing (Williamson)

2021-10-22 Presiding Judge Sarah Tripp (Johnson County)

2021-12-30 Appointment of PD Trambley (Johnson)

2022-1-21 (2022-1) Appointment of PD Lacie J McDonald (Pope)


2020-3-18 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic

2020-3-23 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic-Impact on Trials

2020-4-1 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic-Extension

2020-4-6 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic-Impact on Trials (Amended)

2020-4-27 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic-Extension

2020-5-1 Driver Safety School Shawnee College-Amended Nunc Pro Tunc 1993-12-10

2020-5-1a Appointment of Associate Judge Ella York (Jackson)

2020-5-5 Standing Order for Remote Hearings in Family Cases - Judge Carey Gill (Williamson)

2020-5-19 Legal Holidays 2021 - First Judicial Circuit - AMENDED

2020-5-19 Standing Order for Remote Hearings Judge John Sanders (Williamson)

2020-5-20 Administrative Order Authorizing Remote Proceedings (Jackson)

2020-5-21 First Circuit - Decisions re Social Distance, Limitations and Continuance

2020-5-28 Standing Order for Remote Hearings in Civil Cases Judge Todd Lambert (Saline)

2020-6-18 Legal Holidays 2020 - First Judicial Circuit - Amended to include November 3 2020 General Election

2020-7-9 (2020-63) Standing Order for Juvenile, Family Case or Other Asisgned Cases - Judge Amanda Byassee Gott (Union)

2020-7-27 Judge Stephen Green Presiding Judge Williamson County

2020-7-27a Judge Stephen Green Acting Chief Judge First Judicial Circuit

2020-8-3 Special Order Regarding Remote Access Policy - User Group 3 (Jackson)

2020-8-4 (2020-70) Docket Assignments (Union)

2020-8-5 Vacate Judge Jeffrey Goffinet Assignment to Union County

2020-8-20 Appointment of Associate Judge Michelle Schafer (Williamson)

2020-9-4 Second Amended Standing Order For Remote Hearings, Probate, Chancery, Divorce, Family - Judge John Sanders (Williamson)

2020-10-21 (2020-CA-5) Docket Assignments (Alexander)

2020-11-11 In The Matter of Court Operations in the First Judicial Circuit Pursuant to COVID-19 Pandemic-Remote and Limited In-Person Hearings (Jackson)

2020-10-21 (2020-CA-6) 2021 Jury Dockets (Alexander)

2020-11-24 Rotation Schedule - Pandemic (Williamson)

2020-12-2 Judge Jeffery Farris Designated Presiding Judge Johnson County (Johnson)

2020-12-18 Appointment of Public Defender Neal Heflin (Pope)


2019-12-18 Judge Jeffrey Goffinet assigned to Williamson County 19-JD-13

2019-10-4a Judge Tyler Edmonds Presiding Judge Union County

2019-10-4 Judge Cord Wittig Presiding Judge Massac County

2019-10-1 Vacate AO 2004-9 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

2019-8-13A Authority to Hear Felony Cases - Judge Tyler Edmonds

2019-8-13 Associate Judges - Eavesdropping Devices

2019-7-24 Appointment Associate Judge Tyler R. Edmonds

2019-7-13 Circuit Clerk Appointed as Receiver and Remitter of Service Provider Costs (Alexander)

2019-7-12 Legal Holidays 2020

2019-7-2 Judge William J. Thurston Presiding Judge of Union County

2019-6-11 Reappointment of Associate Judges

2019-4-29 Approved GAL Training St. Clair County

2019-4-15 Approved Parenting Education - First Circuit