Pope County

Presiding Circuit Judge

Melissa A. Presser
Office Location
Pope County Courthouse
310 East Main
PO Box 490
Golconda, IL 62938
Phone: 618.683.8100 ext. 7
Fax: 618.683.2211

Judicial Department Administrative Assistant

Nikki Sowels
Office Location
Pope County Courthouse
310 East Main
PO Box 490
Golconda, IL 62938
Phone: 618.683.8100 ext. 7
Fax: 618.683.2211

Clerk of the Circuit Court

Jennifer White
Office Location
Pope County Courthouse
310 East Main
PO Box 438
Golconda, IL 62938
Phone: 618.683.8100
Fax: 618.683.3018

State's Attorney

Jason Olson
Office Location
226 E. Main Street
Golconda, IL 62938
Phone: 618.683.2221
Fax: 618.683.6101

Public Defender

Lacie McDonald
PO Box 79
Shawneetown, IL 62984
Phone: 618.841.4606

Pope County Probation

PO Box 483
Golconda, IL 62938
Phone: 618.683.8100
Fax: 618.683.2211

Lisa Rice  lrice@fjc-il.org
Christ Watson cwatson@fjc-il.org

Brian Baker bbaker@fjc-il.org

Probation Office Administrative Assistant:
Stacey King sdking@fjc-il.org